Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Watch Online X-Men Origins | Hollywood Movie X-Men Origins Online

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Movie Review:

As is spelled out in the title, this is the story of how Wolverine became Wolverine. Not where he got his mutant powers to begin with, but how the man Logan became a mutant who uses his extra special abilities - and steely claws - to fight the good fight. Wolverine's all about doing what's right despite his upbringing and early association with a brother who doesn't follow the same moral code.

We first meet Logan and Victor as kids in the 1800s then quickly follow them as they fight alongside fellow patriots (of the non-mutant variety) in a succession of wars (WWI, WWII, the Civil War, Vietnam...) until finally after surviving a hail of bullets from a firing squad, they're locked away. Even the least observant person on the planet would know there's something wrong with anyone who miraculously heals after being shot dozens of times at close range………………


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